慧術科技股份有限公司 Smart Surgery technology Co., Ltd.


MISAR system、Albert System、3D Surgical Simulation、SSU Education Platform
Smart Surgery 專注於開發創新醫療影像技術以應⽤於改善⼿術品質。主要產品為⼿術影像教育平台與醫療AI應⽤(如影像標註、⼿術提⽰系統等)。Smart Surgery開發之智慧標註與辨識系統可協助標註器官部位並記錄⼿術過程,將臨床⼿術影像應⽤於訓練模擬、醫療影像管理和⼿術輔助等⽤途。搭配與系統業者共同開發之3D影像擷取系統,Smart Surgery協助醫療場域錄製,如內視鏡、腹腔鏡與達⽂⻄的微創⼿術影像,可改善傳統醫療影像品質不佳的問題以提⾼影像辨識準確度。

透過⼤量影像數據以及⼿術經驗的累積,Smart Surgery ⼿術輔助AI系統將能協助醫師在開⼑過程中進⾏重要部位辨識以及⼿術流程指引。

Smart surgery is emerging as the leader in applied Artificial Intelligence in minimally invasive surgery technologies. Our mission is to fundamentally improve surgery quality and record the surgical procedure intensively. With our visual computing AI model, we deliver the services includes: surgery simulation system, medical image automatic labeling and surgery assistance system that to better facilitates for the development of education and surgical operation. We are located in the capital city-Taipei in Taiwan and supported by the Taipei Medical University which has three affiliated hospitals, we know what really unmet demands that they have.