旺德賽斯科技股份有限公司 Wondercise Technology Corp.

Wondercise Studio將健身結合社群,提供專業內容與社交互動,以獨創Live Motion Matching 健身科技做到運動數據感測與分析,突破時間空間限制,只要打開手機就能上遍各種線上直播課程,即時於螢幕上看到運動成績與排行,將線上課程打造出實體健身房團課氛圍。

Wondercise Studio is an at-home fitness solution with Live Motion Matching by taking away the restrictions of time, space, and sustainability; a fitness-themed social media. Live performance feedback via supported wearables, accompanied by exclusive on-demand/live-streaming content and the interactive community allow trainers & trainees around the world to stay engaged in real-time by way of video chat, live coaching, leaderboards, and popular social media functions to stay motivated, challenged, and connected.
Wondercise 旺德賽斯科技股份有限公司於 2018 年創立,為一智能科技和健身社群服務品牌。全球首創健身社群平台,提供互動式直播課程與社群功能,專利健身科技可支援 Apple Watch 和 Garmin Watch 進行即時動作比對,並提供超過500支原創自製訓練影片,擁有健身界的Netflix之稱,志在帶給大眾全新的健身體驗,輕易將運動融入日常生活,在家就能享有極具臨場感的健身體驗。

Founded in 2018, Wondercise is an award-winning company that delivers its services through an interactive platform with over 500 professional training content to global users and trainers. The patented Live Motion Matching technology provides instant performance feedback and data tracking/analysis, allowing users to stay aware of their performance and push limits. Wondercise elevates the at-home fitness experience to bring at-gym classes into homes around the world and promotes awareness, motivation, and fitness continuity.