嘉堂資訊有限公司 CTinfo Media. CO,. LTD​

● XR導入模擬暨訓練系統 XR (AR/VR/MR)
● Digital Twin
● AIoT智慧物聯網控制
● 體感互動應⽤
● 船舶產業訓練平台
■ ICMS-XR 整合控制系統(Integrated Control and Monitoring System)
■ IPMS-XR 船舶輪控維修XR系統船艦整合載台 管理系統(IPMS)混合實境操作與情境模擬(⼤型船舶)

● XR Implementation in Simulation and Training System XR (AR/VR/MR)
● Digital Twin
● AIoT Application
● Motion Sensing Interaction Application
● Marine Industry Training System
■ ICMS-XR (Integrated Control and Monitoring System with XR)
■ IPMS-XR (Integrated Platform Management System with XR)
■ Mixed Reality operation and Simulation
嘉堂資訊整合XR、AIoT、AI科技,打造國際化XR科技與培訓新局⾯,並以上述技術導入船舶產業訓練平台、⾃動調⽔系統混合實境MR模擬器 (ICMS Simulator App)與船艦XR擴增備援系統及船舶航⾏模擬展⽰。

包含船艦推進系統、災害控管系統、艦內監視系統、電⼒控制系統等整合⾄主控端;ICMS-XR 整合控制系統(Integrated Control and Monitoring System)、混合實境操作與情境模擬(⼤型船舶)與IPMS-XR 船舶輪控維修XR系統船艦整合載台管理系統(IPMS),為船舶和船員提供可⽤、可靠之直覺操作⾃動化系統。

CTinfo Media XR enhanced Design Visualization, Training, Operations and Maintenance to support operators in the maritime industry. It increases efficiency and asset longevity, ensuring profitable, safe operations in shipbuilding field.

Incorporates with Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) integrated with AIoT into a industrial system to overcome today s challenges in engineering projects and marine operations and maintenance.